Python ffmpeg module
Python ffmpeg module

python ffmpeg module

Maybe it will be enough for you to assemble a good directory structure and to distribute a ZIP archive with your software. That is, for Windows, you do not need to create a real Python package (which would allow installation with pip), and you do not need to look into distutils (which supports building C extensions). Inkscape is such an example - its installer contains Python and all other dependencies, in binary form (if required). It looks like you want to create a software that is self-contained and easily installable for end-users. You can ship these binaries with your project and things will work (you may want to distinguish 32 bit and 64 bit systems, though). So I'm guessing that conda installed the dependencies wrong or python was importing the incorrect ffmpeg.I think it will be easy to find ffmpeg binaries that work on any system, just like for Qt or whatever GUI library you are using. I looked at #270 and saw that an attempted solution was to uninstall ffmpeg and ffmpeg-python, then reinstall ffmpeg-python.

python ffmpeg module

> 249 self._purge_images(bwframes_folder)Ģ50 ffmpeg-python.input(str(source_path)).output(Ģ51 str(bwframe_path_template), format='image2', vcodec='mjpeg', qscale=0ĪttributeError: module 'ffmpeg' has no attribute 'input' ~/DeOldify/deoldify/ in _extract_raw_frames(self, source_path)Ģ47 bwframe_path_template = str(bwframes_folder / '%5d.jpg')Ģ48 bwframes_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) ~/DeOldify/deoldify/ in _colorize_from_path(self, source_path, render_factor, watermarked, post_process)ģ50 'Video at path specfied, ' + str(source_path) + ' could not be found.'ģ52 self._extract_raw_frames(source_path) ~/DeOldify/deoldify/ in colorize_from_file_name(self, file_name, render_factor, watermarked, post_process)ģ40 source_path = self.source_folder / file_nameģ42 source_path, render_factor=render_factor, post_process=post_process,watermarked=watermarked > 14 result_path = lorize_from_file_name(file_name_ext, render_factor=render_factor)

python ffmpeg module python ffmpeg module

Stacktrace -ĪttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)ġ2 result_path = lorize_from_url(source_url, file_name_ext, render_factor=render_factor) I ran everything in order just fine but this last step didn't seem to take. I'm getting this error when running VideoColorizer.ipynb locally.

Python ffmpeg module